Mishal Abdullah

How To Get Data From URL In NEXTJS 13


In this we are going to learn how to get data from the url of a NEXTjs application.In this blogs we will be taking a look at the latest version of nextjs which is version 13,it would be different for version 12 and so on. I am assuming you got npm installed or something similar to that for managing your packages.

Medito -A Free And Open Source Meditation App

Mental Health

I’ve been using Medito, a fantastic meditation software, for the past few weeks, and it’s been excellent. The app includes lessons that teach you how to meditate, and you can download a meditation session to use...

How To Find HTML Elements Using JavaScript

JavaScript Tutorial

There are three ways of finding HTML elements document.getElementById() document.getElementsByTagName() document.getElementsByClassName() Element By ID:- The document.getElementById() method is the most common way to find HTML elements. You can assign a Tag any id you want and pass the the id as a parameter to the document.getElementByid() example <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> </head> <body> <h1 id="intro"> Hello World</h1> </body> <script> var value = document.getElementById("intro"); value.style.color = "red"; </script> </html> Output !

10 Basic Linux Commands That You Need To Know

Linux Based

10 Basic Linux Commands That You Need To Know 1. cd The cd command is used for changing directories. cd stands for “change the working directory”. use can to use to change from one folder to another. **Changing Your Directory ** You can use cd then, followed by the folder directory you want to change to for example:- cd Downloads If you want to go through multiple directories at a time, instead of using cd Downloads and then cd Wallpapers you can use cd then followed by the directory name then the next directory name separated by a / for example:- cd Downloads/wallpapers cd home/prinux/Desktop/Todolist

5 Foss That Will Change Your Life (Android)

FOSS Application

Why FOSS FOSS stands for “Free and Open Source Software” (free as in freedom), The Foss application are generally more privacy-friendly and secure. The good thing about foss is that you will discover creativity of developers as their are projects which great, weird, stupid, and cool. Linux Command Library The Linux Command Library is a FOSS app that shows you all the commands that you need. This Includes Key-bindings for - Vim - Emacs - Nano - Pico This an amazing app as if you forget any specific you can just search in this app and it will provide you with all the results.