Hi, my name is


Indie Hacker und Developer

  1. having extremely favorable qualities.
  2. pertaining to a person or thing that is rugged, strong, and/or ready to show these qualities.


A programmer with a passion for Hacking things. Constantly building highly niche tools and working on projects that other developers fear to work.

I am currently working on a building Open Networks Using Beckn protcol and also building cool AI based products.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Beckn
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Node
  • React
  • Nextjs
  • Django
  • tailwind


Senior Product Eigineer - Chi
Sep 2024 - present

As a backend developer at Chi, I focus on developing the platform’s backend using NestJS and Bull, with occasional frontend tasks.

Tech Stack: NestJS, Bull, TypeScript, MongoDB, React

  • Developing and maintaining the backend infrastructure with NestJS and Bull.
  • Implementing new features to enhance the platform’s capabilities.
Backend Developer - Gtech Mulearn
Sep 2023 - Oct 2024

I work as a backend developer at Gtech Mulearn, mainly building the backend of the platform using Django and occasionally doing some frontend work. Sometimes I build things using unfamiliar tech stacks.

Tech Stack:- Python, Django, JavaScript, MySQL, React

  • Covering tech news in a event called Faya Port 80.
  • Helping to run events and workshops.
Blockchain Developer - Trizwit Labs
May 2023 - Sep 2023

I was working as a blockchain developer at Trizwit Labs. working remote.I was tasked to build a DAPP which was designed to add certificated to the blockchain and make it tamper proof.

Tech Stack:- JavaScript, Tailwind, Nextjs, Solidity, Wagmi, MongoDB

  • Created the frontend and backend of the DAPP using Nextjs and Tailwind.
  • Create the smart contract using Solidity and deployed it on the Mumbai testnet.


Beckn Onix GUI
Nextjs Nodejs Javascript
Beckn Onix GUI
A GUI made for the beckn-onix installer.This is now part of the main beckn-onix repo
AI Nextjs javascript
A web app used to create blogs from the user voice input and also works as audio note taking app where all voice recordings are transcribed and stored.
AI Nextjs Javascript
An AI based note taking app where you cannot view your notes but access your notes though a prompt.


Beckn Kerala Chapter Lead
I am the lead of the beckn Kerala chapter.Introducing people to beckn teaching them about beckn.
Code4Goverment Community Leader (Beckn)
helping and mentoring students in the C4GT Community regarding the beckn protocol.