Mishal Abdullah

Gobuster - Finding Hideden Directories


How To Find Hidden Directories In Web Pages. What is Gobuster ? Gobuster is a tool and helps us to find directories and files present in a website or a web app.It helps hackers to find the files and directories that are not linked any where is the website. Gobuster is also open-source and it works by sending HTTP requests to the website and enumerating the directory and file names.

The Minimalist Phone - Guide

Life Style

In this guide, we will be learning on how to make your phone a less distractive, and also how to reduce the time that you spend on your phone. You only need to follow a few steps, and it can take less than twenty minutes to make your phone a “minimalist” one. I came up with the name “minimalist phone” based on the minimalism philosophy, “saying no to things we don’t like,”.

7 Curl Commands That Every Developer Should Know!


What is a curl command Curl is a command line tool used to transfer data to and from the servers, using the supported protocols (HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, TFTP, TELNET, LDAP, or FILE).It is available on windows , MacOs and Linux. Uses of curl for downloading web images for downloading web pages for authentication SSL connections FTP uplaods To test the output of an API and more Syntax curl [options][URL.